Über mich
Noch seit meiner Kindheit war die Welt für mich unvorstellbar ohne Kunst. Das erste Puppeninteresse kam im Jahre 2003 im Kurse "Theater-Puppe" der kunst-graphischen Fachrichtung. Viel später sammelten sich einige Illustrationen, die ich verwirklichte. Das inspirierte mich auf weitere interessante Ideen und als Folge - Dutzende Preise bei vielen internationalen Messen und eine solide sammlung von einzigartigen Mustern für "vintage" Teddybears.
Seit 2017 läuft meine Produktion offiziell unter dem eigenen Label Fox-in-box, wo Sie gern Ihre Fragen und Ideen hinreichen können: info@fox-in-box.de
Interview für creativeroom4talk (2015)
How would you describe your design?
My design actually differs. Making Dolls I like to put a story behind any of it, I don't want to just make a statuette with eyes, I want to fill it with a background and make it authentic.. Talking about teddybears I very like the vintage ones. I like it, when my teddy fells like it's about 80 years old and has seen a lot if things. Basically I work with different styles and designs, there is a huge amount of tissues and material that I want to try as many as possible.
Yet still I don't see any borders between the world of the dolls, the teddys, the illustrations and many others, because it is all art. Art looks for a way out of the artist and as the carrier of it he is free in his choice of material and design just to bring it to life and to show the viewer.
What is the nicest compliment you’ve received for your design, and from whom?
All compliments are nice, but the most memorable just happend recently. Two older women stopped next to my stand on an expsition and said: „Your work is so marvellous, I want to beat you for that!“ When I asked why, they said: „Because it's actually too much beauty at once, I almost feel sick.“